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Affiliated Instructor 2024

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Personal experience:

Like many others, we can say that we discovered the Bradley Method® by trial and error. 
For example, I was given narcotics during my first labor, and had no classes or preparation for the intensity of the second one. 

By the time baby number three was coming, I knew there must be a better way to do this! We read Husband Coached Childbirth, by Dr. Robert Bradley. It made complete sense, and I knew right away the techniques would work! 

We took Bradley Method® classes, worked hard to prepare, and had a gentle, beautiful birth experience and a healthy baby. 

I attended the Childbirth Educator training in Denver, Colorado in 1992, just before our son's first birthday. After that wonderful birth, I had wanted to share what I had learned with other families who desire to have a natural birth in the setting of their choice. A few years later, our fourth was born, making our family complete. 

POLZIEN, LISA AAHCC<br />Affiliated Instructor
For More Info
(949) 584-8033

The Bradley Method® of Natural Childbirth standard series is designed for small classes with lots of individual attention. The standard length of the classes is 12 weeks covering 12 units of instruction. The Official Student Workbook is supplied to every couple attending classes. It is 130 pages with over 75 pictures and illustrations. A Coach Card is also included. Your local instructor in The Bradley Method® of Natural Childbirth is an independent affiliated instructor. Some classes are video enriched and offer a Certificate of Congratulations.

This website contains information about my classes and is not the official website of The Bradley Method® of Natural Childbirth. The views contained on this website do not necessarily reflect those of The Bradley Method® of Natural Childbirth or the American Academy of Husband-Coached Childbirth™.

This icon indicates that this teacher attended one of our Advanced Seminars and has up-to-date information and additional training.

For the protection of the public, the terms, “The Bradley Method” and “American Academy of Husband-Coached Childbirth” are Registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.

Only those teachers currently affiliated with the Academy may teach The Bradley Method® of Natural Childbirth.

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