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MARTIN, SUSAN (Hybrid Classes) AAHCC
Affiliated Instructor 2024

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My classes currently meet live online each week. Los Angeles is sprawling and online classes makes it easier to take part in a 12 week series. Each series I host 3 optional in person classes AND I host a Park Day for Bradley Class families each year.

You don't have to live in Los Angeles to take my classes 
You can find more information about me & class details at

Upcoming Series: May 5  - July 28, 2024 
12:00 PM PT  Sundays
If you found out about this course after the start date
there may still be room. Class 4 on 6/2 is the last day I let couples join.
Contact me and we'll catch you up!

Congratulations on your pregnancy!
You've come to the perfect place to help you prepare for the birth of your baby and new parenting. Your precious child will LOVE that you are willing to invest 12 weeks to learn and actively prepare so that he/she can have the best birth possible and so that you know what he/she really needs as a little human in a brand new world. The Bradley Method is the very best choice to take advantage of this very special time in your life!

My classes can help you to:

Stack the Cards in Your Favor: You are preparing physically, mentally and emotionally over 12 weeks to have the healthiest and safest birth. Being informed and being able to make decisions that are right for your family are paramount to having a positive and healthy start for your family. 

Build Confidence: By knowing the facts about pregnancy, labor and birth the mother and her partner can feel fully confident in her ability to give birth and trust in the natural process. By having basic breastfeeding knowledge and understanding normal newborn behavior, families can set themselves up for breastfeeding success and a smoother transition to new family life. 

Give Your Baby a Healthy Start: Pregnancy matters. Birth matters. Both your pregnancy and type of birth your baby has affects his/her health and well-being for a life-time. Having a birth with the fewest interventions/medications possible helps your baby to have a very good start in life. When interventions or a cesarean are necessary, knowing what to advocate for to help your baby get the best possible start and a smooth transition to life outside the womb is invaluable.

Empower Mama with a Good Birth: Birth is a profound rite of passage that affects the new mother physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. A Bradley class is a safe space for the mother to explore her feelings about her upcoming birth and develop a deep sense of trust in her body, her baby and the process of birth.

Give Your Partner Power Tools: Bradley totally stands apart from other birthing classes in helping new fathers/co-parents know exactly what to do for their partners during pregnancy, labor and birth, and post-partum. Partners who know how to support the pregnant and birthing woman feel more involved and confident. The special focus on fathers/co-parents helps the partner to know exactly how important their role really is. 

Be in Charge: Most of my couples can have the natural birth they desire. Sometimes a couple has a labor that requires medical intervention; couples taking my class have felt that the course prepared them with the necessary understanding, skills and terminology to dialog with their medical caregivers and make informed decisions to have the very best birth possible.

Create Community: A Bradley class is a terrific place to meet other like-minded parents who have similar goals to yours. In class we share, discuss, question and support one-another on this unique and wonderful journey. Many of my couples continue to get together long after the series ends. 

Benefit from Personal Attention: Bradley Method classes are intentionally small and intimate in order for each couple to receive the personal attention and support they need during this special time in their lives. Birth and parenting are about relationships -- having a positive, nurturing and real relationship with their prenatal instructor helps give expectant parents the support and confidence they need as they transition into life as a new family.

A Bradly Method series is...


- Ariel and Sarah, Bradley parents of Noah Ariel

For More Info
(310) 359-3485

Area Served:

Series Schedule (Start Dates)
Sunday, May 5, 202412:00 PM
Sunday, June 16, 20244:00 PM
Saturday, July 27, 20243:00 PM
Sunday, September 15, 20244:00 PM

The Bradley Method® of Natural Childbirth standard series is designed for small classes with lots of individual attention. The standard length of the classes is 12 weeks covering 12 units of instruction. The Official Student Workbook is supplied to every couple attending classes. It is 130 pages with over 75 pictures and illustrations. A Coach Card is also included. Your local instructor in The Bradley Method® of Natural Childbirth is an independent affiliated instructor. Some classes are video enriched and offer a Certificate of Congratulations.

This website contains information about my classes and is not the official website of The Bradley Method® of Natural Childbirth. The views contained on this website do not necessarily reflect those of The Bradley Method® of Natural Childbirth or the American Academy of Husband-Coached Childbirth™.

This icon indicates that this teacher attended one of our Advanced Seminars and has up-to-date information and additional training.

For the protection of the public, the terms, “The Bradley Method” and “American Academy of Husband-Coached Childbirth” are Registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.

Only those teachers currently affiliated with the Academy may teach The Bradley Method® of Natural Childbirth.

To contact The Bradley Method® of Natural Childbirth, please go to