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Affiliated Instructor 2024

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Congratulations on your pregnancy!

I am both a Bradley baby (my parents took Bradley classes when pregnant with me) and a Bradley mother of 5 children.  I have been teaching The Bradley Method® since 2009 and have helped over 100 couples.  Teaching is a joy and a passion for me and I look forward to sharing my experiences with you.

Our Birth Stories:

On a Saturday afternoon five weeks before our first baby's due date, I began having cramps.  I thought at first that it must be false labor, but soon found the cramps getting closer together and lasting longer.  We called our midwife and she encouraged us to come in to the hospital and get checked out.  I was already 4cm dilated and having regular contractions!  I realized that I would be having my baby early and knew that staying calm and strong and relaxed would help me so much more than getting worried and upset.  The techniques I learned in class and the coaching of my husband and sister helped me through 24 hours of labor.  I pushed for about 15 minutes and our son, Eamon, was born weighing 6lbs 2oz.  I believe that the healthy diet I learned about in class helped make Eamon so big and strong, even for a preemie.  We had a healthy baby and the natural birth that we wanted.  I have never been prouder of myself and my husband!

We became pregnant with our second child just a few weeks after Eamon's second birthday.  We had a wonderful pregnancy, but I began having contractions weeks before my due date. On a Friday afternoon, 4 weeks shy of my due date, the contractions started again and didn't stop.  I went into the hospital after about 10 hours of steady contractions and was just 1cm dilated.  I went home and labored all through the weekend.  On Monday morning my midwife's exam showed that I was 4cm dilated and I headed to the hospital.  We welcomed our daughter, Katalina, in the wee hours of the morning on Tuesday.  My labor was very long, but was drug and complication free.  I was able to get through it by relaxing, relying on my coach and family, and keeping a sense of humor.  Katalina was 6lbs 6oz and as healthy as can be.  Her big brother and parents adore her.

Our third birth was very different! I went into labor at 25 weeks with our son Lochlann. The next several months were a blur of bed rest, ER visits, progesterone injections, and steroid shots to keep him safely inside mama. I stopped all meds at 37 weeks and started experiencing prodromal labor.  Off an on for another 2 weeks! I started my 38th week 5cm dilated, but not in labor.  I woke up at 3am with contractions (again!) and they kept coming.  Very shortly after we started timing contractions I realized that birth was right around the corner.  We jumped in the car to head to the hospital.  A few minutes into our ride I knew I would not make it to the hospital.  Gabe pulled over and caught our baby boy on the side of the highway! He was perfect. The ambulance gave us a ride to the hospital and we came home the next day.  It was an exciting start for our little guy, but was a smooth and simple birth.

I truly believe that The Bradley Method® gave me the tools and knowledge that helped lead to such happy outcomes.  I believe that these classes can do the same for you too! 

NEAS, HANNAH & GABRIEL AAHCC<br />Affiliated Instructor
For More Info
(571) 277-0259

Area Served:

The Bradley Method® of Natural Childbirth standard series is designed for small classes with lots of individual attention. The standard length of the classes is 12 weeks covering 12 units of instruction. The Official Student Workbook is supplied to every couple attending classes. It is 130 pages with over 75 pictures and illustrations. A Coach Card is also included. Your local instructor in The Bradley Method® of Natural Childbirth is an independent affiliated instructor. Some classes are video enriched and offer a Certificate of Congratulations.

This website contains information about my classes and is not the official website of The Bradley Method® of Natural Childbirth. The views contained on this website do not necessarily reflect those of The Bradley Method® of Natural Childbirth or the American Academy of Husband-Coached Childbirth™.

This icon indicates that this teacher attended one of our Advanced Seminars and has up-to-date information and additional training.

For the protection of the public, the terms, “The Bradley Method” and “American Academy of Husband-Coached Childbirth” are Registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.

Only those teachers currently affiliated with the Academy may teach The Bradley Method® of Natural Childbirth.

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